Flavors range from Washington’s popular varietals which include: Honey’tude, Gala’tude, Granny’tude, Fuji’tude, Pinky’Tude, and Apple’Tude apple juices. Each bottle brings you a full experience of fresh tasting apples to hydrate you and provide health benefits from its nutrients.
So, what’s inside the bottle?
There are 4 unpeeled cold-pressed apples in every bottle, 100% Northwest fresh and all natural! Now going on a few months since it’s debut, the folks at ‘Tude are looking for support from the community to help spread the word.

Other than being 100% NW Fresh and all natural, something interesting about ‘Tude is how they don’t use traditional methods of pasteurization, but rather HPP (High pressure processing), an FDA approved form of pasteurization that utilizes pressure, rather than heat to burst the bacteria molecules. This results in fresh tasting juice that isn’t stripped of its nutrients and healthy enzymes. The apples are from the Yakima Valley and bottled in Granview, WA.
Did you know: There are more than 7,500 varieties of apples worldwide, 9 of which are grown in Washington state.
What inspired you?
‘Tude was inspired by home juicing. It really all started with the Granny Smith, and experimenting to find a way to get it to stay fresh and slow the browning process. With that accomplished, there are still just two ingredients in ‘Tude: Four unpeeled apples, and a little vitamin C!
Giving Back
Where can you find ‘Tude?
Whole Foods, PCC, Met Markets, Central Market, Haggen, and come summer, QFC and Safeway!
Welcome to a fresh little juice that’s not afraid to say, “Yea that’s right, this is what I’m supposed to taste like!” A juice that everything fruit is, in a deliciously, drinkable form.
This is ‘tude – positively good.